Hey there! :) Here's your reminder to SMILE and look for the good around you! :)
I'm so happy you are here with me! I've got a lot of random thoughts to share along with some laid-back apparel and accessories that I created just for the inner Rebel in all of us! Take a look around! Shop! Grab some codes for some of my favorite online finds! I've got a little bit of everything to make your day just a little bit brighter! Thank you for being here and supporting your favorite Rebel!
In a world where you can be anything, be a ReBeL - be kind. :)

Do It Yourself Ombré Hair (Just in time for Summer!!!)

What better way to kick off the summer than with new hair?!?! Well, not for me, but for my daughter. The sacrifices a mom makes, I tell ya!


Being that ombré is the hottest trend to hit since bright colors last summer we just had to try this. At first I kept saying no because who really wants to bleach their child’s hair? Not I said this momma bear, but at last I fell for the pouty face. In reality, this came down to a pick your battles situation. It’s just hair after all, right? So here it goes. I started by YouTubing some ombré videos. Piece of cake! These girls made it look easy. Then I took her to Sally’s Beauty where we grabbed everything we’d need. Once we got home the real fun started. My overly excited child quickly turned into a demon child because I couldn’t just snap my fingers and give her amazingly awesome hair.


What I needed/used:

-Ion Color Brilliance Powder Lightener

-Ion Sensitive Scalp 20 Volume Developer

-Old towels


-Rattail comb

-Extra wide tint brush




-Hair ties

-Hair clips

-Blow dryer

-Shampoo and conditioner

-Ion Repair Solutions Reconstructor


SBS-302215 SBS-305046 SBS-305880









*I AM NOT A HAIR DRESSER! THE PICTURES YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE MAY BE DISTURBING! (Especially if you aren’t a fan of crazy hair and evil looks!)


*I seriously suggest you use gloves because this stull will irritate/burn your skin.


How I did it:


So, I started by mixing the powder lightener with the developer following the directions on the powder lightener. After that I sectioned off her VERY thick hair with clips and hair ties. Starting with the back/bottom section of her hair I began teasing it. What a process to go through when you are dealing with thick hair, but it is a MUST if you don’t want to have a straight line of blonde going across your head. After teasing each section I applied the lightener using the tint brush. I was very generous with the tips and tried to get lighter, or apply less, as I got higher. I also went back through once I had applied enough lightener to the section I was working on and applied a little more going slightly higher and using the tint brushed turned so that I was only apply a thin line (|) here or there rather than a wide line (―). Once I was done with a section I wrapped it in foil and moved on to the next. There is a YouTube video that I absolutely loved and found incredibly helpful. Find it by searching for i-D online | i-Do: Dip-Dye. Its step by step instructions were awesome.


I also applied a few random highlights throughout, and by few I mean VERY FEW, as well as some extra lightener around her bangs. Once her whole head was done I started checking the bottom section every five to ten minutes. When I thought the bottom was light enough I pulled the foil off and wiped out the excess lightener with a paper towel and leaving the rest until they had reached the lightness we wanted.


After washing her hair I applied the Ion Repair Solutions Reconstructor that the woman at Sally’s Beauty recommended. Wow! What a difference that thing made. While washing her hair I was growing concerned with the state of her hair, but after the reconstructor her hair felt better than it did before we lightened it. That stuff is amazing!


I decided to wait a few weeks to post this so that I could post updated pictures AND tell you how her hair feels and I am glad that I did! Her hair still looks amazing, it’s soft, and most importantly she LOVES it! She looks like the little beach bum she has always been!


Please disregard the grumpy look on her beautiful face. She is a walking attitude!


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