Hey there! :) Here's your reminder to SMILE and look for the good around you! :)
I'm so happy you are here with me! I've got a lot of random thoughts to share along with some laid-back apparel and accessories that I created just for the inner Rebel in all of us! Take a look around! Shop! Grab some codes for some of my favorite online finds! I've got a little bit of everything to make your day just a little bit brighter! Thank you for being here and supporting your favorite Rebel!
In a world where you can be anything, be a ReBeL - be kind. :)

Unretouched Ads by Aerie?

Ummm…yes! This is what most of the female population has been waiting for! Thank you American Eagle and John Urbano for going to the unchartered lands of unretouched models! This is huge to me, especially as the momma of a young lady growing up in a society that puts so much pressure on the female gender to be flawless in a very unnatural way. It’s like Aerie is channeling their inner Beyonce…they woke up like this. Get it girls! This right here is pure rebellion in its finest form! Just take a look at these images, which are in no way, shape, or form mine. I claim no rights to them, I am simply sharing them because I absolutely LOVE what they have done!



Image belongs to American Eagle | Aerie

Image belongs to American Eagle | Aerie


Image belongs to American Eagle | Aerie

Image belongs to American Eagle | Aerie


So Aerie, you think it’s time for a change? Guess what? I am with you! Oh, you think there is no reason to retouch beauty? Funny, me either! The real you is sexy? I couldn’t agree more! It’s time we start changing the way we feel about ourselves. We need to help build each other up. There shouldn’t be one standard view of what is sexy. All shapes and sizes can be sexy, with or without makeup can be sexy, heels or chucks can be sexy. Let’s start a movement! Let’s change the norm, and broaden it! I like what you’ve done here, Aerie and this is a movement women can be proud to stand behind. Now, if only we could get even more realness with some women slightly older than these beautiful young ladies with just a tad more meat on their bones. That would be great. 😉 Alright, I’m going to leave you with this lovely image posted by Aerie and say once again, Thank you, Aerie, for keeping it real!


Image belongs to American Eagle | Aerie

Image belongs to American Eagle | Aerie